Saturday, July 20, 2013


I have not been here lately, as you have noticed. Since my health is a little better, I decided to look up some wild horse news. I missed this video. It's about Tom Davis and the fact that BLM was shipping the wild horses to him for free; his cost per wild horse: approximately $10.00 per horses. I just started watching the video. It's produced by Democracy Now. Laura Leigh is mentioned as the person who told this news agency about the wild horses. What followed is an investigative reporter learning what we all suspected: BLM is selling wild horses to Tom Davis for slaughter. Even after the fact of the investigation, this is chilling news. It's difficult to watch, because we know just what happened to tens of thousands of wild horses - and now, we have proof.
I recently wrote a letter to my senators asking them to look  into the program that BLM claims is not selling wild horses to kill buyers. The  answer BLM gave to my state sentaors was that BLM was removing the wild horses because there isn't enough room. And of course, the BLM denied they ever sold horses to slaughter. In other words: over population of wild horses is why they do the helicopter roundups at approximately One million dollars per round up; and does that include the $500 per horse they round up? I am requesting an investigation into these matters through my state sentators. It is apparent that most states' senators do not even know that the BLM has a wild horse program. I am not sure if most senators even know if there are wild horses and burros on public lands unless they are involved in the current push for fracking and mining on public lands. (As to the fracking and mining, most ranchers on public lands with sheep and cattle do not want it either; and private property owners are having to give up their property through a sell to the government or eminent domain. If they are allowed to stay, the fracking and mining is poisoning the water, land and air.) Of course, the wild horse has to depend on water that nature provides. If fracking and mining poisons the watering places, not only will the wild horses die - so will every other wild animal that lives on public lands and in all nature. But the point of this video is BLM "raising and selling wild horses to kill buyers to slaughter."  My point exactly. The BLM is the only government agency that boasts it makes a profit every year; but they are complaining that the wild horse and burro program is costing too much money. If they make a profit every year (partly because they are suspiciously dealing with characters that are part of their illegal activity dealing with wild horses and burros - that is my opinion - and the amout of money that they are putting on the "books" is not correct. Just like the population counts of wild horses are never done exactly; they don't even know exactly how many horses there are. By the way, BLM is not the only culprit that sells wild horses to kill buyers who sells them to slaughter facilities in Mexico or Canada. The Forest Service is even worse. They can round up horses without the Wild Horses and Burros Act of 1971 to prevent them from selling every single horse and burro to any kill buyer across the country. The can sell directly. The Forest Service put them up for auction and after the sell, they have no ties to where the wild horses and burros go; neither do they account for the numbers nor the costs; they have no accountability to anyone. So as you watch this video, think about what has to be done.

My idea has been to move the wild horses from the holding facilities to states that have wild reserve areas and have plenty of grazing and water. There are several states that have not been polluted by mining and fracking. So far, I haven't heard yeah or nay from my state senators. We could really enjoy the wild horses, and dry up the kill buyers market all together. These horses, would have to be put under protection, of course. The wild horse, not counting the horses brought from Spain nor any other country, is indigenous to the United States. I thank you for reading the blog; and thank you for watching the video. If you can think of any way to help wild horses advocates and rescue operations who desparately try to save as many wild horses as possible at auctions, please do so. You can sponsor horses at rescue operations; you can adopt a horse, you can donate as little or as much as you can. Over 80% of Americans are against horse slaugher; that means that 80% of America could give $1.00 to an advocate who buys wild horses (to keep them wild), and then we could negotiate with the ability to find reserve places in each state to allow them to go free, as more horses will need to be rescued by buying them from auctions.

I appreciate your patience with my abscense. I will be back, hopefully, to normal (well, my normal anyway), soon.
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