This is Tuesday June 5, 2012. I just began this blog, and I could have stayed on my original blog, but some days it is better or re-organize. This is my day for WILD HORSE HUB CENTRAL to begin it's blog.
AT WILD HORSE HUB CENTRAL, we are a data base. We have 4 (four) main objectives:
1. STOP HORSE SLAUGHTER - supporting the bill in the senate for review: S.1176 the "American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011".
2. STOP THE WILD HORSE ROUNDUPS: It is possible to re-consider the ways that the Department of Interior under the leadership of Ken Salazar who is "over lord" of the Bureau of Land Management.
3. Post any information concerning rescue sites, foundations, sanctuaries, rescue objectives, rescue operations, rescue pertaining to any horse, wild horse or burro.
4. Post any pictures or information from any site concerning horses or any horse subject.
Any blogs posted on this site that are not considered part of the main goals, or do not follow these guidelines should not post on this site. I welcome you, but you must adhere to the objectives as stated above.
I wrote a blog that was concerning the GAO Report dated June 22, 2011 on another blog. I chose to begin again. This information concerting the GAO report is on WILD HORSE HUB CENTRAL on facebook. It is important to begin with 2011 to understand the implications that have happened in 2012. The number of wild horses and burros in holding feed lots and holding farms/ranches such as the one in Kansas called a "wild horse conservatory" found at and other links such as
started me thinking...just what is this government doing and what is the motive? Well, actually, I have been thinking about this for some time. My conclusions is that Ken Salazar has been breeding wild horses for slaughter as slaughter houses never really shut down even after the 1971 Free Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Act. The roundups never stopped. So, for 40 years, the Department of Interior has been given free rein to access of millions of horses without restraint, to sell to slaughter houses, aka, kill buyers.
It is not impossible to change things for the better. Sometimes, you just have to show that you have a better idea. This page and WILD HORSE HUB CENTRAL on facebook hopes to find that one person or group, or whomever, has the answers that will work for the public lands and all the wild life therein.
The exact number of wild horses and burros rounded up will never be known. The exact number of injured, neglected, abused, killed, and hidden will never be known; but, today is a new day. Today, there are people who are searching for the answers, and God in Heaven knows that I hope they find it.
Today I found posts for wild horses in kill pens, which included one mare infoal. That just is more than emotions in me, that is desire to force a change in whatever way that I can. I hope you are part of the change that is going to make a difference and set this world aright for the wild horses, burros and horses and feral all around the world.
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